Full Service Plus

It's MORE than a For Sale Sign.


Put our PROVEN, repeatable selling process to work for you to net the most money, in the shortest time.

Put our PROVEN, repeatable selling process to work for you to net the most money, in the shortest time.

Put our proven track record to work for you! We have been selling real estate full time for over 20 years in Maple Valley and surrounding areas. Our proven, repeatable system is backed by market research to help you get the most money when selling your home. We have a 115-step process to get our clients the results they are looking for, with consistency! Don't take our word for it; watch what our clients have to say.

Proven Marketing to Sell your Home

Extensive Home Evaluation

A thorough walk-through of your home allows our team to accurately determine your home's value in the current market.

Pre-Listing Inspection

Your home will be advertised through exclusive placement on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. Your home will be strategically placed in front of relevant buyers and active buyers' agents in the most compelling way.

Professional Deep Cleaning

Our trusted home cleaning partner will provide detailed, in-depth cleaning that will ensure your home shines and is will be presented in the best possible light.

Complimentary Professional Staging

Our trusted home cleaning partner will provide detailed, in-depth cleaning that will ensure your home shines and is will be presented in the best possible light.

Professional Hi-Res Photography & Videography

High-quality photography & videography for your home listing is an absolute must. Online photos will be the first impression you give potential buyers, so our team partners with expert real estate photographers to quickly capture potential buyers interest which leads to a higher sales price!

Drone Photography & Videography

Showcasing your property through drone photography and videography gives potential buyers a complete understanding of the size and layout of the property. 

Online Marketing on over 100 Platforms

90% of buyers begin their house hunting journey online. With numerous platforms to choose from, our team knows the importance of presenting your home to the fullest on each platform; capturing the attention of the largest audience. 

Full Social Media Marketing

Our in-house Marketing Director creates strategic opportunities to market your home to relevant buyers and active buyers' agents in the most compelling way. We use all avenues to showcase your home including print marketing, social media platforms and on our one-of-a-kind digital billboard that over 25,000 people see daily. 

Premium Print Marketing

Our in-house Marketing Director creates strategic opportunities to market your home on our social media platforms; targeting specific areas to attract the right buyers. 

Precise Postal Code Marketing

Our team targets specific communities to maximize exposure to your home with custom created postcards. We also have targeted technology that allows us to engage with out of state homebuyers looking to purchase in our communities to reach all potential buyers searching.

Extensive Open House Events

Open Houses create the perfect opportunity for maximum exposure to all potential homebuyers. We create detailed Open House Events to ensure homebuyers have ample opportunity to tour and fall in love with you home.

online presence


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